Looky what I did!

I know, it's been months since I posted anything. I've been terribly remiss...

..But looky!


I am really rather proud of this one, and I'm told it's GOA level work. =) It is based on an initial page from St. Luke's Gospel, Of the Gospels of Otto III. 10th Century German.

Detail pics!

Bottom detail. These two...ducks?...look like they are about to throw down.

Bottom right rondel

Other bottom rondel.

I only took pictures of the bottom two..cause really, the top two look very similar...

Right side

I am particularly find of this...chimera...dog..pig..cat...thing...
Top detail. Is the little devil man eating the peacock's tails? Who knows, but he has a very fancy moustache!
Left side detail
