Stick Weaving: Setup

So, we were at a SCA event not too long ago, and a couple of lovely ladies were doing something fascinating with some yarn and sticks. A 15 minute conversation later, and David and I had gotten the basics of stick weaving. We've both wanted to try, but haven't had a chance yet. But, with the BARF demos coming up, I wanted something simple and engaging to keep my hands busy, so we're going to give it a go.

The basic materials for stick weaving are:
- 5 or more "sticks"

The more sticks you have, the wider the piece you end up weaving. I'm starting with 5, because that's how many wooden knitting needles come in a pack.

I had to go with wooden knitting needles, because stick weaving is apparently not popular enough for JoAnns to carry the needed apparatus. The 'sticks' you need for stick weaving are basically just that, sticks, but with holes in one end, and a nice rounded tip isn't bad either. The knitting needles, as you can see here, are a good size and shape, and lack only the holes. Incidentally, I got the thickest knitting needles I could, because I knew I'd be adding those holes myself.

Every girl should have power tools. In my case, the Dremmel set I 'inherited' from my first boyfriend in college (I wonder if he realizes he left it in my stuff?) came in real handy. A nice round-headed drill bit was really all that was needed to punch and smooth out the holes I needed, and it couldn't have taken more than 15 minutes to do the whole set.

So, now I have my sticks, and some very soft and colorful yarn. Next Time... the weaving!
